Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stars and its Astrology

Stars and its Astrology

·     Aries the Ram

1.  Fire sign, on birthday.
2.  The Sun in astrology stands for your inner nature, the light of your essential character.
3.  Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, a masculine sign ruled by the warrior planet Mars, whose motto must be "Crash through, or crash!”
4.  A cardinal (creative and inventive) sign, Aries the Ram governs leadership and initiative.
5.  Aries people are bold and self-confident, although they do tend to be overly impulsive.
6.  Pin points others but don’t look for those mistakes inside them
7.  Very good to others but not to family members
8.  Moody and stubborn
9.  Arians are always overflowing with ideas, schemes and plans to conquer the world,
10.    Arians are risk-takers and love to take chances, whether in love, or in the slots online!
11.    Loves to be the leader and can organize fantastic and impressive ventures.
·     Taurus The Bull
1.  true character
2.  Second sign of the Zodiac, Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and desire.
3.  A fixed (strong and solid) sign, Taurus governs practicality and security. It is a feminine sign and very magnetic.
4.  Practical, reliable Taureans are great lovers of sensual pleasures.
5.  You do tend to be rather stubborn, possessive and conservative.
6.  You are capable in emergencies, where you have an instinctive understanding of what to do,
7.  Under normal circumstances, no-one can force you into anything without due time for thought and consideration.
8.  Taurus loves nature and natural things, but due to a fondness for comfort and ease, the Bull can be quite lazy.
9.  To preserve your health, you need to take some regular exercise and control that tendency to overindulge in rich foods and the other pleasures in life.
10.            Taureans are very strong-willed and often quite creative.
11.            You are kind and generous with friends, with whom you develop an unspoken rapport.
12.            Taurus rules the throat, giving a powerful, often beautiful voice.
13.            Taureans are good singers and musicians
14.            At least, love music and can be a force on the business side of music.
15.            Fine sense of humor, and enjoy your social life.
·     Gemini THE TWIN
1.  The third sign of the zodiac, Gemini, a masculine sign, is ruled by the quick and lively planet Mercury, the messenger of the gods.
2.  Gemini governs communications, intellectual matters, and gossip!
3.  It is an air sign, which means Gemini people are ingenious, quick-witted communicators.
4.  Often restless, easily bored and can become frustrated by things moving too slowly.
5.  Geminians are great talkers and are usually very much in demand socially, because you are so entertaining.
6.   You'd make a great talk-show host. Gemini is the life of the party.
7.  Being a dual sign has (of course) both an up and a down-side.
8.  You are vitally interested in what's new and fashionable.
9.  You have a healthy skepticism which allows you to see both sides of the image.
10.            You are a party animal, but like to sit back and analyze, or send up the whole procedure.
11.            Your sharp wit and excellent powers of observation make you a good raconteur, although you have a tendency to exaggerate which can cause trouble with your relationships.
12.            You spend more time talking than eating, so you are able to stay fairly slim.
13.            Gemini talents include design, interior decoration, arts and crafts, magic and illusion, and music.
14.            You love zooming around, running right left and centre.
15.            Love to keep in touch with your friends, neighbors and indeed anyone who is on your wavelength.
16.            The mobile phone, if not invented by a Gemini, was definitely invented for you – and is certainly your most treasured accessory!
·     Cancer THECRAB
1.     feminine sign
2.     Cancer is ruled by the restless Moon.
3.     Cancer governs home life, matters to do with women (especially the mother), as well as sensitivity and emotional intensity.
4.     Cancerian people are emotionally intense and deeper than they appear on the surface.
5.     Quite sensitive and understanding once you get through that tough exterior.
6.     Creative and romantic, with a strong love of home, family and tradition.
7.     You are a good communicator and a strong provider.
8.     Your deep sensitivity presents you with valuable and illuminating feeling, especially regarding those you care for.
9.     Cancer is also good with money and generally takes a long-term view.
10.                      The main thing to remember is not to let the powerful, turbulent emotions of the moment crowd out your normally rational judgment.
11.                     Your intuitions are reliable and should be trusted; you may even have natural psychic powers, which may be developed, given the right circumstances.
12.                     The emblem for Cancer is the Crab, a creature with a very hard shell which protects a soft interior.
13.                     Cancerian collects things to beautify the environment and bravely defends the home turf.
14.                     Cancerian make good business people, combining artistry, originality and drive with an understanding of financial matters, marketing and the needs of the public.
15.                     You can trust your intuitions, but you do need to generate a faith in yourself which will not be dampened by gloom or depression over what, in retrospect, may appear to be relatively insignificant problems.
16.                     You have the natural ability to be diplomatic and to speak out when necessary or keep your mouth shut.
17.                     Home and family ties will be significant in your life and developing a secure, comfortable home environment will be a boon to your state of mind, irrespective of your marital state.
18.                     Physical fitness or sports activities can become important ways for you to work out emotional stress.
19.                     Swimming, fishing, sailing and other water activities attract you, along with skiing, ice skating, and mountain climbing.
20.                     Cancerian is creative.
21.                     Living or spending time near the water is a relaxing, as well as creatively stimulating environment for Cancerian.
22.                     Ideal colors for the Crab are white, silver, and pale yellow.
23.                     Cancer rules metallic silver, while both the ruby and the pearl are the traditional Cancerian birthstones.
24.                     In the same way, your sensitive nature reflects the people and circumstances surrounding you.
25.                     Here we have the two contrasting sides of the Cancerian personality: hard and determined, yet simultaneously soft and vulnerable.
26.                     Cancerian flowers are the water lily (lotus), iris, white poppy, white carnation and southern magnolia.
·     Leo the LION
1.     Leo is ruled by the life-giving Sun, the lord of our solar system
2.     A fixed (strong and solid) sign, Leo governs will and authority.
3.      Leo people are grand, confident and generous, although you tend to be egocentric and can be somewhat overbearing.
4.     Confidently expects others to step back.
5.     Glamorous Leo enjoys a thoroughgoing love of life and all its pleasures.
6.     Friendly host and natural entertainer, get inordinate pleasure from helping others enjoys life as much as you do.
7.     Enthusiasm, generosity and your sunny disposition inspires the affection of many friends and admirers, while turning those with less popular personalities green with envy.
8.     Full of ambition and enthusiasm
9.     Leo has to admit to a lazy streak and, given the opportunity, will take the easy way out, especially when a situation offers little fun or glory.
10.                  Leo, are stubborn and resistant to imposed changes.
11.                  It is easy for pleasure-loving Leo to become addicted to rich food, and as the cat gets older you find yourself putting on weight.
12.                   Your gregarious nature makes it hard to enjoy or stick to boring, solitary physical fitness routines, but you may not mind dressing up in flashy gym outfits and joining an exercise class.
13.                  Dancing, swimming, and tennis are your favorites, though you are quite keen on sports of all kinds.
·     Virgo THE VIRGIN
1.  The Sun in astrology stands for our inner nature, the stamp of our true character.
2.  Virgo governs critical analysis, intellectual subtlety and service.
3.   Virgo people are inclined to be practical and industrious, yet adaptable, with a remarkable eye for detail.
4.  Virgo is an intellectual and discriminating feminine sign ruled by the magical trickster Mercury, the messenger of the gods.
5.  The emblem of Virgo, virgin holding sheaves of wheat in her hands, symbolizes wisdom, garnered in the fields of experience.
6.  Like the true virgin, most Virgos are shy and, like a virgin waiting to give herself to the perfect lover.
7.  Virgo is also idealistic.
8.  Virgins have a truly intellectual, critical and analytical approach to life.
9.  Communication is important and you love books, magazines, and writing.
10.            Health-conscious Virgo makes an effort to stay physically fit and you don't mind repetitive exercise routines.
·     Libra THE SCALES
1.  real character
2.  The planet of love, beauty and social grace, and is the seventh sign of the Zodiac.
3.  Creative Libra governs partnerships, the arts, and making sense of self in relation to other.
4.   Libran people seek aesthetic pleasure, balance in relationships and a harmonious environment.
5.  See both sides of any issue; this often leads down the slippery slope to procrastination and vacillation.
6.  Your love of justice, combined with the need to be fair and even-handed contributes to that characteristic difficulty you find in making decisions quickly.
7.  You love to be admired, especially for your taste, charm and appreciation for excellence in the arts, including personal adornments, dress, home decor, hair styling and so on.
8.  You graciously accept praise for your achievements and will gladly give praise to others, when they deserve it (and even when they don't, should you be trying to talk them into something.
9.  you are surprisingly strong-willed
10.            The "iron fist in a velvet glove" approach is one key to your success.
11.            Emotional, physical, and psychological pleasure comes to you from beauty in all its forms.
12.            Books, music, flowers, and perfume are typical delights.
13.            You work hard and play hard, and then collapse into inertia until nature restores the balance.
14.            Addicted to luxuries and creature comforts, your inclinations sway to the slothful, especially when the subject of physical exercise rears its ugly head.
15.            That fondness for rich food and sticky buns means you actually need proper physical exercise.
·     Scorpio the SCORPION
1.     Passionate
2.     Scorpio governs will and authority.
3.      Scorpio people are passionate and emotional, with very deep feelings.
4.     Although you are a loyal and dedicated friend, you are fiercely competitive, subject to fits of vindictive jealousy – and can be quite manipulative in pursuit of your goals.
5.     Scorpio's real involvement is not primarily based on love or even pleasure, but on the control and understanding of human emotions and the role they play in the mysterious processes of life and death.
6.     You are inquisitive and probing, fascinated with how things and people work.
7.     Your mental and physical powers of recuperation are remarkable — and truly evolved (eagle) Scorpios can learn to use their power to help and inspire others.
8.     Determined Scorpio can be rather stubborn and resistant to imposed changes.
9.     In many ways this is a plus, for it gives you the stamina to accomplish things in life, due to your tenacity.
10.                        On the surface you may seem easy-going, congenial, and gregarious, but you are also extremely tenacious with a need to manipulate and control your situations.
11.                        Keys to your success are a strong will and the ability to get to the bottom of things. You want answers and will doggedly persist until you get them.
12.                        Your privacy is tightly protected, so others only get to know you up to a point
13.                     You are not arrogant, being genuinely interested in others and what they have to say, although you often exhibit a self-sufficiency which implies there isn't much you don't already know.
14.                     You characteristically seek to uncover the truth or to transform raw materials into things of great power and beauty.
15.                     Relationships are not exempt from this probing, so anyone involved with you must prepare for profound changes in themselves, their mysterious partner and the relationship itself.
16.            Emotions govern your first reactions to every experience in life. Although instinctive emotions generate the strongest motivations for your behavior.
·     Sagittarius THE ARCHER
1.  Fun-loving masculine sign with a fondness for adventure.
2.  true self, symbolizing our inner nature
3.  change-loving Sagittarius governs long-distance travel, matters of the higher mind
4.  Sagittarians are positive, forthright communicators who love travelling – although you do tend to be restless and hate to take orders
5.  Sagittarians are idealists and usually much in demand socially, because you are like a breath of fresh air.
6.  signify the search for truth and knowledge, as well as the constant pursuit of adventure and new ideas
7.  you do get bored and restless when surrounded by dull people or circumstances
8.  home is where you hang your hat
9.  Frank Sagittarius does not hesitate to give an honest opinion, which can seem tactless at times
10.            you much prefer to be the boss in any situation and must constantly watch your tongue in the unhappy event
11.            Sagittarians are forever bubbling with energy and enthusiasm
12.            Independent and hard to pin down for long, this is the sign of the bachelor, but even married Sagittarians seek to maintain some aspect of personal independence.
13.            Enthusiastic Sagittarius has a passion for sports
14.            You love music, art, dance, and drama and have considerable talent in these areas.
·     Capricorn THE SEA GOAT
1.  action and desire
2.  governs public life and organization, combined with personal ambition and will to succeed
3.  Capricorn is a loyal associate and faithful friend
4.  You rarely hesitate to grasp opportunities for advancement or promotion.
5.  You are quite well-grounded, especially later in life (over 40), once you have learnt to overcome those early insecurities.
6.  More ambitious than you appear on the surface and a natural executive or manager, you set out to accomplish and are determined to succeed one way or another.
7.  Pragmatic and goal-oriented, you soon learn how to get things done, for you aspire to positions of power and authority and admire others who attain such positions.
8.  Initiative and willingness to accept responsibilities are keys to your success.
9.  A false pride makes it hard for you to admit when you are wrong, or to ask others for help.
10.              Viewing insecurity and fear as weakness, you attempt to hide such feelings, making it hard for others to get close to you.
11.              Your sense of humor is generally impeccable, although you fail to see the point of personal jokes at your expense.
12.              You hold grudges and will take revenge for perceived slights.
13.              Once the reality of something is understood, it is much easier to handle and manipulate.
14.              You can be a good builder, engineer, politician, lawyer, or business executive.
15.              Capricorn develops good eating habits early, which stand you in good stead as an adult.
16.              An innate spirit of competition makes you keen on sports, although you can be so aggressively determined to win.
·     Aquarius THE WATER BEARER
1.  Aquarius governs intellect and originality.
2.  Aquarians generally intelligent, unorthodox and inventive, although you often appear to be eerily detached and personally uninvolved.
3.  As an idealist, you champion the highest principles, while at the same time being an independent thinker.
4.  stubborn, offhand and resistant to imposed changes
5.  rebellion
6.  co-operative when properly approached
7.  naturally skeptical; they like to test things for themselves
8.  In relationships, your intellectual approach makes you seem interested, but not particularly passionate or possessive.
9.  Of course you do not really lack passion, for when you focus your feelings; your passion is as intense as it is inspirational.
10.            less than fabulous cooks
·     Pisces THE FISHES
1.  The true mark of your character.
2.  Piscean people are creative, sensitive and deeper than they appear on the surface, although they can be emotionally vulnerable, clinging and rather melancholic.
3.  Thirst for knowledge and understanding, with a natural lucky streak.
4.  Sensitive Pisces reacts emotionally to everything.
5.  Pisces is idealistic, although you have a tendency towards sacrificing yourself on the altar of love, or some other noble cause.
6.  Despite your sensitive personality and delicate physical constitutions, you really are a survivor
7.  Your intuitions are reliable and should be trusted; you may even have natural psychic powers, which can be developed, given the right circumstances.
8.  For the sake of your emotional equilibrium, develop a private place of your own, or at least take a private time for daily retreat and relaxation.
9.  You’re most creatively stimulating and soothing environment is close to water, especially near the ocean.
10.              Shy
11.              No wonder so many of you are actors, artists, writers, and dreamers.
12.              Some of you are neat and well-organized, while others become slovenly and careless
13.              Your intense imagination can lead you to stretch the truth under many circumstances.
14.              The other side of the coin to your creative ability to write fantastic novels, poetry and produce other artistic endeavors.
15.              Sports and physical fitness routines are a good way to keep in shape and reduce emotional stress.

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